Below is an update on our offerings. The holidays will be here very soon so you need to start now if you want to look your best for those holiday functions.
1. HCG: This program is our primary option. This program is a much more aggressive program than most. Women are losing 18 to 24 pounds per month while men can lose 24 to 30 pounds or more. The inch loss is also greater as the HCG pulls the fat from where you are the fattest. It actually contours the body. It pulls fat primarily from the belly, hips and thighs. You are required to give yourself an injection each day. You use a very small syringe, the same as physicians use for allergy shots. You only consume about 500 calories per day on this program and you will find that you are not hungry as the HCG releases 3000 to 4000 calories per day to meet your needs. Some clients say they have trouble eating it all. We also have an 800 calorie option. The cost of this program is $795 for a 2 month 60 day supply (Normally $880) and includes doctor consult, medication, and program guidance. Note: Because of FDA guidelines, we can only get name brand and in a 2 month supply for women. We can get a 1 month supply for men. If you call, I can explain.
2. AOD-9604: We have talked with several pharmacists about an alternative to the HCG. They have suggested Anti-Obesity Drug 9604. AOD-9604 is a modified form of amino acids of the GH polypeptide which was designed to help people burn fat and lose weight. It especially targets fats in the abdominal area. Our program utilizes AOD-9604 with a modified HCG Protocol. AOD-9604 is a FDA approved medication for weight loss and has been assigned Human GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) designation. We also offer an AOD-9604 1000 menu which is approximately 1000 calories for those who feel that the lower calorie menu may be too restricted. Weight loss is still substantial, however, pounds loss may be a little less. We will administer this medication in the form of troches that you dissolve under your tongue once daily. The cost of this program is $440 per month and includes doctor consult, medication, and program guidance.
3. GLP-1: Meta-Health is now offering Semaglutide and Tirzepatide, a cutting-edge medication that provides powerful benefits during weight loss. Imagine a medication that dramatically lessens your hunger, reduces the amount of food you want to eat, all while regulating your blood sugar, helping those carb cravings to go away. Semaglutide and Tirzepatide are just those medications! These medications are expensive and often in very short supply. Most programs are selling you the medications and say to cut calories on your own. That can work for some but we want to insure that you will be successful in your weight loss journey. We have developed menu plans that will enhance your weight loss efforts and we follow you closely through the process providing encouragement and guidance. Semaglutide and Tirzepatide are not wonder drugs that automatically insures that you will lose weight. It is a simply a tool that enables you to be compliant and follow a weight loss plan. We have that plan. Your success is our major concern. We offer an introductory price of $375. for the first month. Tirzepatide is more expensive. The cost includes: Medical Assessment, Medication and Program guidance. Subsequent months vary in costs depending on the level of dosing of the medication that you are on.
Payment Options: If you have a flex spending account, HSA or cafeteria plan, they normally pay for the program. We now have financing for our weight management programs. We have teamed with Advance Care. By combining low interest rates with the flexibility you need, we make it simple and affordable to finance your treatment. They offer interest free periods of 6 to 14 months making financing more affordable than you might think. They offer flexible terms, low interest rates and great customer service.
Telemedicine: Because of the Covid 19 virus we now see patients via telemedicine only. You fill out our forms, email them back to us and set a time to talk to our doctor via phone. The medications are shipped to your home. We want to have contact with you which helps insure that you will be successful. We ask that you call or text us weekly with your progress and ask any questions that you may have. We have closed the Columbia office and moved all operations back to Kansas City. We are doing everything via telemedicine so nothing has really changed.
I hope the above information is helpful as well as the information on our web site, We can't start you before you have the Medical consult. Please call with questions or to set an appointment. Note: There is a 3% fee for all credit card transactions.